It is southern etiquette to not wear white after Labor Day. Growing up, my mom, who is from California, always told me to wear what I want to wear. She obviously didn't care about the rule. But being from North Carolina, many of my friends still stick to this rule today.
The rule is: wearing white is considered to be out of season before Easter and after Labor Day. It is "kind-of like when you see a girl wearing white pants in mid think to yourself.."What the hell is she thinking out in public like that?!?! "

There is logic to this old rule, but I think it needs to be a little updated. I find there are several exceptions, like the big ones are: holiday white pants/jeans, or a christmas white sweater...or white for a winter bride. And what if you live somewhere warm all year round? Are you not
suppose to be able to wear white? Yeah right!
I most definitely sneak wearing white after Labor Day...wheather it is a white blouse for work or a plain white t-shirt with jeans. I couldn't imagine not being able to wear a white t for months!
Anyways Rachel Bilson obviously doesn't care about the rule either, saying, "Forget the old rules. I love white all year round. It's cooler to wear it when your aren't suppose to."
Do you where white after Labor Day?

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